Sunday, October 17, 2004

When knitting goes bad........

Grrrrr. Starting my next project. Perhaps I should rephrase that TRYING to start my next project. A baby blanket for a friend. First try of casting on I didn't have a long enough loose end. Second try, still not enough. Third or fourth try finally worked. It's knit on circular needles, but not in the round. Well, I screwed up and knit in the round. Unravel, cast on again. This time much better. Until about 4-5 rows into it I notice that there aren't as many rows on one half as there are on the second half. How does this happen?!? I guess that'll teach me to not knit and talk on the phone at the same time. Sigh. And did I mention it's in seed stitch, which I'm still getting used to, so it's a pain in the ASS!!!


Blogger Korin said...

I swear to god, it gets better... eventually you can chat, and knit at the same time. ;)

Monday, October 18, 2004  

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