Thursday, July 03, 2008

I won!!

I'm pretty psyched. 7 skeins of Cascade 220. I can't believe I've never knit with this before. I love the color too! Thanks Claudia and Bonne Marie! Maybe my abandoned Ribby Cardy will finally get made - I stopped liking the Knit Picks pumpkin color, oh and if I recall correctly I also screwed up when I attempted to avoid seaming by knitting the sides and back all together.

Knitters Connection was loads of fun.

I took a beginners spinning class with Shannon Okey and a class with Amy Detchen on stranding. They were both great - very personable and funny. Amy is a riot! She brought several of her Fair Isle sweaters to share with us - gorgeous! I loved hearing her little tips and tricks.

As for spinning - unfortunately I spent the first hour trying to feed fiber onto my leader. I really thought I was going to be the only person in class not to get it. Sensing my frustration, Shannon let me try her wheel, an Ashford Joy, and it was a "holy shit, I really CAN spin" moment. Later as I was lugging my Louet S15 around the vendor's area, a lovely vendor offered to take a look at it and realized that I had the wrong band on the wheel and it was way to tight. $8 solved the problem and while I still liked the Ashford Joy better, it's at least workable now.

Last Friday I drove up to Cleveland to take another spinning class with Susan from Conover Workshops. There we discovered the miracle of pencil roving. Pencil roving can make anyone feel like a competent spinner. Then we moved on to real fiber, and experienced the frustration of drafting. Needless to say I'm hooked and I can't wait for September's Wool Gathering where I'll be able to try a variety of wheels and see what suits me.

Back to Knitter's Connection - Thursday night I went to the talk that Jess, Casey and Mary-Heather gave on Ravelry. Jess was squishing a skein of neon green yarn most of the time to calm her nerves. She did great. They all did. It was so cool to see them live and in person and to hear their story.

I also had the pleasure of meeting the Briar Rose gals. After hearing Brenda talk about them on Cast On for so long, it was like arriving at Mecca.

I wasn't planning on buying any more yarn. Famous last words. Well my loophole was "unless it was something extraordinary", like not something I could buy at the LYS down the road. So I bought a skein of Celebration - a lovely, gorgeous colorway and I suck at describing colors, so see for yourself.

It's a luscious blend of merino/bamboo, worsted weight and will grow up to be some kind of sweater.

I also bought a skein of Angelface in these gorgeous blues. Laceweight - 100% alpaca. Yum! It will grow up to be the Feather and Fan shawl from A Gathering of Lace. I think.

Other purchases included a spindle. Because I was going to be in Denver for 2 weeks without my spinning wheel for our IVF adventure. Only the trip got canceled because for a nanosecond I was pregnant. On the pill, while taking injections for our upcoming IVF. Uh huh. Nanosecond being the key word. Now we're back to square one and I'll be in Colorado after all, just a few weeks later than anticipated. Better late than never I suppose.

And some roving - the grey is shetland, the white is BFL.

Eris is chugging along. The body is done and I'm in the first few rows if the left sleeve.

I also bought some Malabrigo online that was on sale for making xmas presents for my mom and sisters. I thought it would be fun for us to all have Koolhass hats.

And 4 skeins of Jaeger Trinity.

It's the first time I've ever bought the yarn that a pattern was written for. I've cast on and knit 4 rows of a summer tank. It's the first time I've knit something I can wear in the summer, provided I finish the damn thing soon enough. Let's not talk about the 4 inches of knitting I already frogged because I had 1 stitch too many. Nor the huge amount of time I spent trying to figure out where the fuck the extra stitch came from, and surely I must have forgotten a decrease and why does 122 minus 10 equal 113????? Only to realize I really did cast on an extra stitch. Sigh.

Wing Of the Moth is also coming along, growing slowly. But oh is it lovely to fondle.

We're taking off for the North Pole aka Marquette, Michigan tomorrow bright and early. 10-11 hours in the car = lots of knitting time. I can't wait to see the lake and my siblings. Looking forward to some R&R.